The joint news bulletin of several professional and scientific associations.
The newsletter provides information about current developments in the geosciences and is divided into different sections: A "leading article" (geofocus) deals with a current geoscientific topic, Geoaktiv informs about practice and profession, research and teaching, Geolobby brings interesting facts from societies, associations and institutions and Georeport compiles multimedia, personalia, conference reports and event notes. At GMIT-online ( you will find a comprehensive geoscientific conference calendar, online versions of previous GMIT editions, geofocus articles, references to job offers and current news.
The Paläontologische Gesellschaft uses this newsletter to underline the importance of palaeontology in relation to the earth sciences.
Members receive the GMIT booklet free of charge and automatically by mail. GMIT informs about activities in the geosciences, about symposia, new developments, special scientific events and invites its readers to look into the information sections of other societies.
Please send contributions to Alexander Nützel: nuetzel(at)
Copy deadlines: GMIT is published quarterly. The deadlines for sending in the respective issues are as follows:
Until 2001, Paläontologie aktuell was the current newsletter of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft for the rapid information of its members on current topics and developments.
In order to make palaeontological contents known beyond the circle of its members and to emphasize the importance of palaeontology within the geosciences, the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, together with other professional associations and many other geo-societies, has been participating in the joint news organ GMIT since 2001.
Since 2005 the magazine Fossilien informs hobby collectors through contributions by members of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft in a separate section of the collectors' magazine.
You can download the current issues of Paläontologie aktuell up to the year 2000 as PDF documents here.
Paläontologische Gesellschaft
Schumannstr. 144
63069 Offenbach am Main
Tel.: 069 / 403 585 77
Fax: 069 / 403 560 26
Email: geschaeftsstelle(at)
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