Supporting young scientists is an important aspect of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft. All young scientists, whether bachelor or master students, doctoral students or recently graduated postdocs find a platform to exchange ideas and expand their professional network within the Paläontologische Gesellschaft.
Student representation on the Advisory Board of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft ensures that the student perspective is taken into account. The student representative is happy to answer any related questions. The aim of the Early Career Researchers working group is to support young academics through various measures. The Paläontologische Gesellschaft website provides information on the studies of paleontology and current vacancies, the newsletter on current developments in paleontology.
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Altenhöferallee 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. +49 (0)69 798 40174
By offering reduced membership and conference fees as well as financial support for participation in conferences for students and doctoral candidates, the Paläontologische Gesellschaft aims to involve young scientists in paleontological research as early as possible and to support them in developing their individual talents.
The annual conferences offer the opportunity for scientific exchange and the chance to make important contacts with experienced colleagues and other young scientists. Participation in the competition for the best talk or poster (Young Scientist Award) is a great opportunity to become more visible. The conference fieldtrips cover a broad spectrum of paleontologically important outcrops, localities, fossil sites, museums and collections.
Through membership of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, young paleontologists have access to the internationally renowned journal PalZ and stay informed about current events within the geoscientific community in Germany through the journal GMIT.
Through the social media channels on Twitter (@_PalGes), Instagram (@palaeontologische_gesellschaft) and Facebook (@PalaontologischeGesellschaft), visitors are additionally made aware of the diverse offerings of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft and thus can increase networking.
Committed early career researchers who want to get involved are very welcome to work within the Paläontologische Gesellschaft.
Paläontologische Gesellschaft
Schumannstr. 144
63069 Offenbach am Main
Tel.: 069 / 403 585 77
Fax: 069 / 403 560 26
Email: geschaeftsstelle(at)
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